Subsidies for Employment in the City

Since FY 2018, the Kitakyushu International Association has provided subsidies for international students that secure employment in the city, and also those that go on to higher education in the city, using designated assets such as donations from the representative of TAKAGI CO.LTD. As of the end of FY 2023, a total of 19.31 million yen has been provided to 686 international students.


Students going on to higher education must meet criteria 1 to 4.
Students that found employment in the city must meet criteria 1 to 3 and also 5.

  1. Have a “Student” residence status 
  2. Registered resident of Kitakyushu City, and currently living in the city  
  3. Attending an educational institute in the city  
  4. Able to confirm move to another educational institute from the current one (excluding those going on to study the same field)  
  5. Secured employment as a full-time employee with a company that has its head office or branch etc. in the city.  

Applicable Educational Institutes in Kitakyushu City

Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kyushu Dental University, The University of Kitakyushu, Kyushu Nutrition Welfare University, Kyushu Kyoritsu University, Kyushu International University, Kyushu Women’s University, University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Seinan Jo Gakuin University, Nishinippon Institute of Technology, Fukuoka University Graduate School of Engineering, Waseda University Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems, Orio Aishin Junior College, National Institute of Technology – Kitakyushu College, O-Hara College of Automobile, Kitakyushu YMCA College, ASO Information Business College Kitakyushu, Kitakyushu Academy For Cooks, Kyushu Medical Sports Vocational School, Kyushu Techno College, Kyushu Business School, Japan Wellness Sports College Kitakyushu School, ASO Medical Welfare & Tourism College Kitakyushu, Kitakyushu Japanese Culture Institute, Higashi Asia Gakuen Nihongogaku School, O-hara College of Business & Civil Service Kitakyushu, Kitakyushu Automobile College.

Subsidy Amount

Moving on to another educational institute from the current one (excluding those going on to study the same field)・・・¥20,000

Securing employment in the city・・・¥50,000

Application Period

Information for both categories are sent to the applicable educational institutes in Kitakyushu City around the end of January every year. As educational institutes will be applying on behalf of their respective students, and if the applicant is deemed eligible to receive the subsidy (after document screening), the subsidy will be paid via the institute around the March-April period. 

Application Method

Please apply with the Kitakyushu International Association through the head of the school that you are attending. 

【Reference】Application Forms (As the application forms may be updated, please make sure to get the necessary forms from the educational institute that you are attending.) 

Payment Record