Exchange Volunteer Family
There are many international students living in Kitakyushu City and the surrounding areas, that despite their busy schedules, hope to interact more with the locals in the area they reside in, and would like people to know more about their countries. The Kitakyushu International Association has made available a platform for our exchange volunteer families (registered local families) and international students to interact with each other and deepen mutual understanding by offering an exchange event twice a year, where cultural exchanges and parties are held in a casual and fun atmosphere.
We are looking forward to registrations from many families.
Registration Requirements
- Participation of two or more family members
- Family representative must be an adult
- Residing in Kitakyushu City or one of the surrounding municipalities
- All family members in agreement for registration
*Take note that the exchange session is not intended for language education purposes.
Registration Period
Recruitment is conducted periodically.
Registration Method
Those that wish to register as exchange volunteers, please refer to the following form and fill out the required information.